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Artsy Advice Artsy Forager Featured Artist

How to Commission Artwork

So you’ve found an artist whose work you LOVE and you want to commission the artist to create a piece of work especially for you.  How exciting!!  But you don’t know where to start.  If you’ve never done it…

Daily Artsy Figurative Photography

Super Naturale: Jacqui Stockdale

We are all creatures of our past and present.  Influenced and affected by what has come before us, as well as our current experiences, our future selves a hybrid of what was and is.  In her latest portraiture, Australian…

Artsy Dwelling Interiors

Artsy Dwelling: Art Filled Nursery

Mr. F and I may not have any babies, but that doesn’t keep me from ooing and awing over fantastically artsy nursery designs.  So when my friend and fellow art obsessive Kaitlyn, over at isavirtue shared pictures of the…

Abstract Art Collage Daily Artsy Paintings

Walking the Line: Sabine Finkenauer

While I have a great love of work with lush, chaotic patterns and texture, there is always something so lovely and intriguing in work that embraces visual economy.  Barcelona based, German born artist Sabine Finkenauer breaks down the world into…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Wafting Serenity: Laura E. Pritchett

It seems that spring in Eureka is a very windy season.  The sun is shining and from our cozy apartment, it looks deceptively warm.  But upon stepping outside we’re quickly reminded that we are in a transitional season– the air…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Photography

Long For This World: Rebecca Reeve

Some people are urbanites.  And I used to think I might be one.  But then we lived in Seattle for three months ( and not even in a super-urban neighborhood! ), and I quickly confirmed that while I love…

Abstract Art Finding My Own Artsy Paintings

Finding My Own Artsy: Feminine Wiles, Painting Four

Another week, another painting in my Feminine Wiles series to share with you!  Feminine Wiles is a series of small abstract color studies based on iconic female film characters.  My introduction to many of these films and characters came…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings Sculpture

Lavish Simplicty: Miya Ando

As many artists know, much of the time, art making is a matter of knowing when enough is enough.  Or even when enough is just a bit too much.  In her work, New York artist Miya Ando is creating pure…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Paintings

Chasing the Light: Zaria Forman

Do you ever think about what kind of legacy you will leave behind?  I’m not thinking of material wealth or possessions, but the impact that your life will have had on the people who’ve known you?  It’s a sobering…

Design Foraging

Design Foraging: Ladies & Gentlemen Studio

I have a great love for wind chimes.  My paternal grandfather used to fashion his own from aluminum pipes and every time I hear breezy chimes, I’m transported back to summer days in the cool grass of my grandparents’…