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Artsy Business

Reflections. Looking Back on 2015.

2015 has been a year of extremes.  I experienced a deep, profound loss in the death of my mother, as well as moments of powerful beauty and a incredibly productive and exciting year of painting. only love can bring…

Artsy Happenings

See. Jealously Curated.

Hiya artsies!  I’ve been super sick this week with a horrible cold– that always seems to happen around the holidays, doesn’t it?  But I just had to pop in and tell you about this amazing show opening at Voltage…

My Paintings

Update. New Work!

I’m trying really hard not to be one of those artists who never has their latest work on the website.  So, new work has been added to my artist site! above us only sky I & II ( diptych…


Solution. Genie Canvas.

**Updated 12.26.2018 scroll to the bottom of this post for an update after 3 years of using Genie Canvas. Our gypsy life can put a serious damper on my studio practice.  Not the actual practice of creating but finding space…

This Artsy Life


5 Reasons Artists Should Backpack. We aren’t all outdoorsy and it can truly be a challenge to give up the luxuries of beds and showers for a few days.  But if you’ve never strapped on a pack and walked…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Cages. Bradley Wood.

Every person’s cage is of a different sort.  We may feel trapped by our jobs, our circumstances, even the things that we own.  Even the most opulent and luxurious of places can seem like a prison.  As I begin…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Seizing. Benjamin Britton.

We know that we have at least three months here in Southeastern Idaho.  But we are now into Autumn and the season can be short lived at the higher elevations where we most want to explore.  So Mr. F…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Space.  Tom Climent.

Now that we are settled in for the next three months in Idaho Falls, we’ve been exploring the surrounding area every weekend.  This part of Idaho is a close neighbor to Wyoming and Montana, Big Sky country.  That hemmed…

Daily Artsy Photography

Transitioning. Sarah Illenberger.

Today may officially mark the last day of summer, but for weeks now, summer’s glow has been slowly fading.  The hots days have grown weary and we’ve rejoiced in a new, cooler breeze.  It is always an interesting time,…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Strength. Courtney Murphy.

For centuries, women have been defined as the “fairer”, even the “weaker” sex.  Daintiness, extreme ideas of femininity were valued and celebrated.  Yet it is in exactly what defines us as feminine in which our greatest strengths lie. Praised…