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Design Design Foraging Interiors

Design Foraging: Coast to Coast

Confession time:  I’m one of those people who sweat it just a teensy bit ( ok maybe a lot on a really hot day ) when a glass full of cold liquid is resting on a wood or glass…

Daily Artsy Sculpture

Life in Balance: Ben Fiess

Mr. Forager & I both marvel at the way architects here in the Northwest deal with the terrain.  Houses and other structures are built to hug the earth or conform to it, often leaving us wondering what a feat…

Design Foraging Interiors

Design Foraging: Artsy Nesting

So if you read yesterday’s late afternoon post, you’ve heard the news– Mr. Forager and I have officially moved to Seattle!  That’s right, no more traveling around, no more putting up with someone else’s decor taste or grody furnishings.…

Rainy Day Wool Throw at Leif Shop
Design Foraging Interiors Jewelry Textiles

Design Foraging: Cloud Illusions, I Recall

Monday morning, as Mr. Forager & I were leaving home, we both got excited at how grey and blustery a morning it was here in the desert.  A “Northwest kind of day!” we both exclaimed.  Perhaps you might think…

Desert Rose by Renee Brown
Daily Artsy Sculpture

Invented Nature: Renee Brown

Last night, as Mr. Forager and I were taking our evening walk around Joshua Tree, we spotted the most amazing little creature!  Appearing to be a hummingbird, we moved in closer and took a few photos in the quickly…

Faceted Pushpins by Anthropologie
Daily Artsy

Friday Design Finds: I Find You Facet-nating

Excuse the horrible pun in the title.  I just couldn’t resist! As any jeweler will tell you, cut makes all the difference in bringing out the best in a material.  Just like gemstones, these pieces of functional art are…

ceramics Design Foraging Sculpture

Friday Design Finds: Not So Boring Vases

Perhaps some pretty flowers arrived at your house yesterday?  Maybe not ones of the Christy Kinard variety ( but if so, LUCKY!! ), but the sweetly scented kind.  Pray tell, what did you do with your floral treasure?  Please…

Medium Blue Raku by bkbceramics
Design Foraging Sculpture

Friday Design Finds: bkb ceramics

Sometimes, I happen upon the loveliest artsy things when I’m not looking.  Last Sunday, Mr. F & I were enjoying a quiet day at home and decided to take a little walk down the hill into Joshua Tree.  We…

Texture Clocks by Ed & Kate Coleman
Design Foraging Interiors

Friday Design Finds: Colorful Clocks & More

While living in the desert, I’ve noticed that people tend to embrace color in bolder ways than you might expect.  I think it’s a side effect of being surrounded by so much beige sand!  In today’s Friday Design Finds,…

Design Foraging

Friday Design Finds: Palette + Plate

I’m a firm believer that the beauty of objects we use every day enhances our simple daily rituals.  That doesn’t mean every meal should be eaten off Royal Dalton china with fine silver, but we do eat with our…