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figurative art

Artsy Forager Featured Artist Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

August Featured Artist. Gigi Mills

Can you believe we’re entering into the last lazy days of summer, Artsies?  I hardly can, but I intend to enjoy it to the fullest!  Beginning the end of summer today with the marvelous work of this month’s Featured…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Evading Realities. Lara Zankoul

From the outside, this traveler’s life must seem incredibly exciting and adventurous, and yes, in many ways it is.  But even so, Mr. F and I still deal with life’s drudgery like work, insurance, and laundry.  Add to that…

Daily Artsy Figurative Photography

Hiding in Plain Sight. Flora Borsi

It can be so easy to push what we are or what we’re feeling back into the depths.  Everyday life necessitates that we “get on with it” and we genuinely want to.  But not being real with ourselves and…

Daily Artsy Drawing Figurative

Tumbling On: Leah Yerpe

Sometimes it feels as if we are simply tumbling through life, being swayed to and fro like a pinball or a tumbleweed.  In these incredible large scale drawings, Brooklyn artist Leah Yerpe multiplies her figures as they spill through the…

Artsy Abroad

Artsy Abroad: On the Artistic Ledge with Federico Tomasi

by Ellen C. Caldwell In my series of guest posts for The Artsy Forager, I have been writing about my time in Bali during an arts residency earlier this year. I was introduced to painter Federico Tomasi by another…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Aqua Therapy: Carol O’Malia

It hardly feels like summer.  Here on the Northern Cali coast, the temps have barely ever gotten out of the sixties– I’m still wearing scarves and boots on occasion!  In addition to the cooler weather, Mr. F and I…

Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media

Spiro-Graphics: Kim Kirk Nielsen

Tell me you remember Spirographs? That ubiquitous toy that combined the worlds of math and art and captured the imagination of many an artsy kid.  Danish born, Paris based artist Kim Kirk Nielsen adds his own spriroriffic drawings to…

Daily Artsy Paintings Sculpture

Unfolding Ourselves: Marcelo Daldoce

Two artist posts in one day?!  I know I don’t usually do this, but when I saw this artist’s work on Booooooom! I just couldn’t wait until next week to share it with you.  Mostly self-taught New York artist…

Daily Artsy Figurative Landscapes Paintings

Dream States: Marie Rosen

Mr. Forager and I love to share dreams.  I’m not just talking about the speculative, what if, kind of dreams, but the productions put on by our subconscious while we’re sleeping.  If either of us has an interesting or…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Summer Lovin’: Elizabeth Lennie

Summer is officially here!  ‘Tis the season we take to the water!  Perhaps as an escape from the heat, but even more so, we are drawn to watery places this time of year because of the calming effect of water…