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This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 37 [ The Rains Come, Fall Begins ]

I know it’s not officially Fall yet, but this weekend it finally began to feel as if it is on its way!  the Pacific Northwest has had an utterly gorgeous, yes, but uncharacteristically warm and long summer.  And as…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 36 [ Salve for My Stir Crazy ]

I’m a bit of a homebody, I admit.  But am finding I’m a little more stir crazy than normal lately.  I blame working from home.  And the home health job which necessitates Mr. F to always have the car…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 35 [ Artsy Say Relax, Part Deux ]

Normally, when graced with a 3-day weekend, Mr. F and I might take the opportunity to get out of town, maybe do a little camping.  But after a week of not feeling super great, we both decided that another…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 34 [Artsy Say Relax]

You guys.  It has been soooo long.  So very long since we had a weekend like this one!  Nowhere to be, no one to meet, no chores needing to be checked off.  Absolutely no pressure to do anything.  After…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Settling In

We’ve done it again.  Mr. Forager & I have moved just a bit south of Seattle to a small town just outside Olympia.  After a whirlwind week of showing Mr. F’s sister around our favorite city, we had just…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 31[ Work + 5 Places I’d Rather Be ]

Weekends, in and of themselves, are always a good thing. But weekends like this one just past, ones in which you feel like all you did were chores with maybe a pleasant little walk in between, are hardly my…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 30 [ Just Us Two ]

Here’s the thing.  Mr. F & I love people.  We really do.  But we’re both introverts, he being a bit more on the outgoing side than I.  So as much as we love to socialize, people can be exhausting…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 28 [ Forging Ahead ]

Our weekend started off gangbusters with a fun surprise for me from Mr. Forager.  Obviously I love painting and all things artsy and a few times post-gallery hopping, Mr. F has  mentioned that he would like to give his…

Photography This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 27 [ Sunny Seattle Days ]

The weather in Seattle was absolutely perfect this weekend! Bright and sunny skies punctuated by cool breezes meant there were no excuses for staying home. So Mr. Forager and I grabbed our coffee and continued our island tour around…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 26 [ Exploring is Our Normal ]

In all the stress of leaving California, moving to Seattle, finding an apartment, furnishing said apartment, working, etc., Mr. Forager & I seemed to lose sight of what always made our weekends like mini-vacations for us– exploring!  Sure, we…