My Work

FYI– I’ve been working on a ton of new small paintings on paper and panel, so this page is unfortunately woefully out of date.  For a peek at recent work, click here.  Thanks!


The blue of the sky on a cloudless day, the yellow wildflowers picked with love by little hands, the pinkish scent of mom’s perfume.  Color influences our every moment and emotion, whether we are aware of it or not.  Visual and non-visual clues can be translated in our minds with color.  Glimpsing a certain shade, we can be instantly transported to a particular moment in time.  After a long creative drought, my current practice is centered around the exploration of the world around me through its expression in color.



A childhood home filled with original art, thanks to two creative grandmothers who discovered their talents with a brush late in life, fostered in me early on an appreciation for original artistic expression.  It wasn’t long before I was drawing all over my bedroom walls in permanent marker.  I went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History with a minor in Studio Art ( Painting concentration ) at the University of North Florida.  I also later studied Interior Design, another passion and one that has helped me hone my eye for color and composition.

Through the following years, my studio practice was put aside for “real world” jobs in the art & design industry including work for a photography and fine art licensing company, an interior furnishings company and most recently, for a large art gallery and consulting firm.  Four years ago, my new husband and I left my hometown of Jacksonville, Florida to pursue our dream of traveling through the Northwest.  It was during this traveling adventure that I began writing the Artsy Forager blog, dipping my toes into occasional painting pools, but it wasn’t until early 2014 that I began to pursue a renewal of my own artistic practice and passion.  Our traveling has taken us from the deserts of California, to Seattle, the mountains of Idaho, and all sorts of amazing places in between.  Our adventures continually inspire and inform my work and as my creative confidence grows, I hope to visually voice their influence more and more.


Feminine Wiles graphic copy

Rain and Rhodies graphic